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A Collection of Clips from The Rocky Mountain Wolf Project and our partners

Chorus of Colorado 1:34

Canis Lupus 18:25

Ben Nuvamsa speaks on wolves 3:11

Nolan Yellow Kidney speaks on wolves 3:23

For more wonder, rewild the world | George Monbiot 15:10

Great Old Broads for Wolves 5:08

Meet the Real Wolf 2:30

Colorado Voices 2:30

Return to Yellowstone 3:24

Hunter David Gann 2:50

Rancher Duke Phillips 3:03

Ecologist John Emerick 2:53

Rancher Keri Brandt 3:21

Photojournalist Morgan Heim 2:53


A collection of e-books about the gray wolf and the reintroduction into Colorado from the Rocky Mountain Wolf Project.

Wolves in the West

Learn more about the gray wolf throughout US History. At one time, wolves roamed throughout the United States, but they’ve gone missing throughout Colorado. Read about what lead to the eradication of wolves and what we can do to bring them back.

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A Grand Opportunity

Learn more about what reintroduction could mean for Colorado. This e-book discusses the difference between reintroduction and recolonization, and the impact reintroducing wolves could have on an ecosystem.

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